Palermo Falcone–Borsellino Airport - PMO

Palermo, Italy (IT)

Getting around the airport

Single terminal

Falcone-Borsellino Palermo International Airport is located 35 kilometers northwest of Palermo in Sicily. The passenger terminal has three levels. The Ground level is arrivals with baggage claim; Level 1 offers arrivals for some Schengen and non-Schengen flights, as well as Departures; and Level 2 is also a Departures level with passport control.

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Getting into Palermo

Bus, train or taxi


The Prestia e Comande Bus has direct services between the airport and Palermo. Bus leaves every 30 minutes and takes you to the city centre for 45-60 minutes. Besides, there are buses which have direct services to Agrigento, Trapani, and Sciacca.

Location: Main Terminal, before security, arrivals
Cost: EUR 5.80


Palermo Airport has its own train station, Punta Raisi, which is operated by Trinacria Express. The journey time to Palermo Centrale is approximately 60 minutes and the trains run every thirty minutes from 04:00-22:00 daily.

Location: Underneath the terminal building
Cost: EUR 5.90 one-way


You may find taxis outside of the arrivals area. If you are for the first time in Palermo, it would be better to take a cab. The transfer takes approximately 45-50 minutes.

Location: Main Terminal, before security, arrivals
Cost: EUR 35-40

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  • Gesap Vip Lounge, main terminal, before security, 1st floor, next to check-in desks. Hours: 5:30-21:00 daily.
  • Alitalia Club Freccia Alata Verga, main terminal, landside, check-in area. Hours: 5:30-23:00 daily.
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