Lounges Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Charlotte, United States of America (US)

Beliebte Lounges im Charlotte Douglas International Airport

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Informationen zu Abflug- und Ankunftszeiten, Wartezeiten an der Sicherheitskontrolle, Flughafen WLAN, Zugang zu Lounges und vieles mehr. Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Zwischenstopp & Entspannen


None available

Unfortunately, there are no showers available at this airport. 

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Public viewing area

For aviation enthusiasts

Charlotte Douglas Airport is one of the few US airports with a public viewing area that allows visitors to watch planes take off, land, and taxi. The view from the picnic tables in the park is considered one of the best airport views in the country.

To get there, we recommend taking a taxi on a layover. It’s a six-minute drive and should cost around USD 10.

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Beliebte Fluggesellschaften am Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Einige von mehr als 5900 Flughäfen