Lounges London City Airport

London, United Kingdom (GB)

Beliebte Lounges im London City Airport

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Informationen zu Abflug- und Ankunftszeiten, Wartezeiten an der Sicherheitskontrolle, Flughafen WLAN, Zugang zu Lounges und vieles mehr. London City Airport



No Smoking Inside the Terminal

Smoking is not permitted inside the terminal building at all. There is no possibility to smoke after you've passed security. Smoking is only allowed outside the terminal building.

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Zwischenstopp & Entspannen

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Dayuse.com, a hotel room for the day

up to 75% off the price of an overnight stay

Whether it’s a long layover, a flight delay, or just the will to enjoy the infrastructure of a beautiful hotel, Dayuse.com invites you to book a day stay at one of our hotels located in the immediate proximity of the airport.

How does it work:

1/ Review the hotels available around the airport & the services they offer (spa, swimming pool, fitness, restaurant, and so on)
2/ Check their time slot availabilities (arrival & departure time within one day)
3/ Book your hotel and receive your confirmation
4/ Pay only at the check in
5/ Cancel at no cost until last minute


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Weitere Informationen zum London City Airport

Beliebte Fluggesellschaften am London City Airport

Einige von mehr als 5900 Flughäfen