Lounges Antalya International Airport

Antalya, Turkey (TR)

Beliebte Lounges im Antalya International Airport

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Itching for a cigarette?

Only one smoking terrace in the airport

You’ve got a long day coming, so plan ahead to get your last cigarette in before boarding. Smoking is not permitted inside the terminals but there is a single smoking terrace in Terminal 2 after security.

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Zwischenstopp & Entspannen

Airport hotels

Near the hotel

It was a long flight and sleeping in the airport awaiting a connecting flight is a terrible experience. There are two hotels near Antalya Airport. The IC Airport Hotel is located 800m from Terminal 1. Rooms start at €105 per night. The Antalya Farm House is lovely bed and breakfast 5 minutes away from the airport. The Farm House costs €45-€55 per night, depending on the season and airport transfers can be arranged

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Beliebte Fluggesellschaften am Antalya International Airport

Einige von mehr als 5900 Flughäfen